[Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Alles darüber, wo man alternative Klemmbausteine kaufen kann
Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von Brickfreak128 »

@youmkobricks Even for delivery by air? :think:

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Air freight of course be faster, depending on the country/region, 15-20 days is possible.
:think: What can I help you?
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von Brickfreak128 »

youmkobricks hat geschrieben: vor 8 Monate What can I help you?
Thank you for information. An other user mentioned, that his last 2 orders took longer as normal for leaving china. That's why i asked you if there are any reasons or problems actually. But when everything goes his normal way then it's okay. :thumup:

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von Savage »

Hallo Leute,

ich hab da mal eine Frage:

Was hat es mit Shipping Cost or Refund Please buy according to quantity(Special link) für 0,10 € auf sich? Verstehe das gerade nicht :D


Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von lepindings »

Das ist ein Posten im Shop, den der Kunde 300x kaufen soll, wenn der Versand irgendwie abenteuerlich ist. Damit kann man nochmal Versandkosten nachkalkulieren.
Betrifft uns in EU ehr garnicht.

Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von o_l_a_f »

youmkobricks hat geschrieben: vor 8 Monate @Brickfreak128
The current average delivery time is 45-50 days. :)
@youmkobricks 45-50 days with plane ???
Ordnung ist wohl die feigste Art dem Chaos zu begegnen. :D

Bójué (伯爵) - Graf
Bójué (伯爵) - Graf
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von Hotdog »

@o_l_a_f oben hat er geschrieben per plane 15-20.

Yòuér (幼兒) - Kleinkind
Yòuér (幼兒) - Kleinkind
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von StefanBD »

@Hotdog hau da mal lieber noch 2 Wochen drauf seine Aussage ist im besten Fall

Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von Brickfreak128 »

Also 2 Wochen mehr ist auch wieder Schwachsinn. Normalerweise stimmen die 15 Tage schon als Maximum. Ich muss allerdings sagen, die letzte Lieferung hat etwas länger gedauert warum auch immer, wo es da gehakt hat weiß ich nicht. Davor waren es bei jeder Bestellung 12-14 Tage.

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von freddykr »

Meine aktuelle Bestellung von Youmko ist nach 16 Tagen (ab erstem Lebenszeichen im Tracker) gestern per Flieger in Liege angekommen. Dauert jetzt wahrscheinlich noch paar Tage, bis es bei mir ist.

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Then I may need the specific order number so that I can check what happened. :)
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Some people will want to change to faster logistics after paying for the entire order. At this time, they need to pay the price difference through this link and select the corresponding quantity. Orders will not be dispatched as per the latest requirements until the price is correct.

Some orders to remote addresses (such as islands) require additional shipping charges for delivery.

Some orders want to add more products but don't wanna order them by canceling the original order and placing a new one. We also pay through this link to achieve these purposes.

All in all, this link is set up for the need to pay more money, and the situations that generate this demand are mostly the above three.

:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

The average sea transportation time from China to Europe is 45-50 days; the average air transportation time is 15-20 days. You can check the logistics selected by the order accordingly to know the shipping time.

Of course, the fastest way is to order from local European warehouses in Barweer and Youmko, with an average delivery time of 7 days. :) Hopes it's helpful and understandable enough.
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von lepindings »

the fastest way is to order from local European warehouses
This is the way! The last time i have ordered, 4 days.

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Yes!! :prost:
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von Brickfreak128 »

Will there be some new MOCs on the youmko page in the near future, for example from the bricklink program and so on.
Do you consider that? Please let us know if you have similar to that in your mind. Please feel free to share your thoughts. :-D
I am always hungry for some new, creative sets that are interesting to build and nice to look on. :thumup: :wave:

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »


This is exactly what I'm doing these days. YOUMKO will update more MOC sets. I'm optimizing the navigation of the website, and will update some MOC sets every day starting next week. For Bricklink sets, I haven't received more news about new KOs, but we will pay special attention.
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Europe Warehouse restocking is on pre-sale.

:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

The first BAKA officially released in June: 33202 Donut Dessert Workshop building.
BAKA 33202 on Barweer.com
13% code: QFK3NN88
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
Zànzhù (赞助) - Sponsor
Beiträge: 3712
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von o_l_a_f »

@youmkobricks Please check the number of parts in the store >>>>>
The small figures (8018) never have 13000 parts.
The instructions have 30 building steps and hardly any building step has
100 parts. The set should be less than 3000 parts, which is more in line with the price.

Edit :

I have now sorted the pricks and run them over a counting scale. There are a 4235 pieces, but certainly not 13000.

8018 Steinezahl
Farbe 1x1 2x1 3x1
Schwarz 35 495 193
Hellgrün 135 574 196
Dunkelgrün 135 244 31
Chreamweiss 13 112 56
Orange 70 947 599
Weiss 36 43
Blau 34 72
Hellbraun 16 48
Dunkelbraun 29 63
Pink 59
562 2598 1075
Gesamt 4235 <<<< <<<<
Ordnung ist wohl die feigste Art dem Chaos zu begegnen. :D

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Beiträge: 351
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Thank you for your reminder, I will check and update the website as soon as I receive your reply. :)
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Beiträge: 351
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Youmko's No. 19 Europe warehouse restocking is available now.

:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Beiträge: 351
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

@o_l_a_fHello, the factory finally responded, which roughly means that it is calculated based on the "stud". Even if it is 2x1 or 3x1, it is calculated as 2 or 3 pieces.
o_l_a_f hat geschrieben: vor 8 Monate @youmkobricks Please check the number of parts in the store >>>>>
The small figures (8018) never have 13000 parts.
The instructions have 30 building steps and hardly any building step has
100 parts. The set should be less than 3000 parts, which is more in line with the price.

Edit :

I have now sorted the pricks and run them over a counting scale. There are a 4235 pieces, but certainly not 13000.

8018 Steinezahl
Farbe 1x1 2x1 3x1
Schwarz 35 495 193
Hellgrün 135 574 196
Dunkelgrün 135 244 31
Chreamweiss 13 112 56
Orange 70 947 599
Weiss 36 43
Blau 34 72
Hellbraun 16 48
Dunkelbraun 29 63
Pink 59
562 2598 1075
Gesamt 4235 <<<< <<<<
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Shāng rén (商人) - Händler
Beiträge: 351
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Re: [Händler] Barweer Toys und Youmko | 🇨🇳 CN | 🇪🇺 EU 🇺🇸 USA

Beitrag von youmkobricks »

Picture review of (71038) Minifigures - Disney 100
For its price, please check youmko
:thumup: www.barweer.com [E-MAIL: service@barweer.com] :thumup: www.youmko.com [E-MAIL: service@youmko.com]

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